Leaving no carbon footprints behind

Please adhere to the “Seven Principles of Leave No Trace” when you travel the Kankakee River corridor.

Make a plan and prepare

  • Be aware of the rules and concerns specific to the area you will be visiting.
  • Prepare for extreme weather, hazards, or emergencies
  • Plan your trip in advance to avoid high-use periods.
  • When possible, visit in small groups. Consider splitting larger groups into smaller groups.
  • Reduce waste by repackaging food
  • To avoid using marking paint, rock-cairns, or flagging, use a map and compasses.

You can travel and camp on durable surfaces

  • You can choose from rock, gravel, dry grasses, snow, or established trails for campsites and camping.
  • You can help protect riparian areas by camping no more than 200 feet away from streams and lakes.
  • It is not necessary to make good campsites. It is not necessary to alter a site.
  • Avoid areas where the impacts are still beginning.
  • Use disperse to stop the creation of trails and campsites.
  • Camping should be kept to a minimum in pristine areas. Avoid areas with little vegetation.
  • Even if it is muddy or wet, walk single file along the trail’s middle.
  • Use only existing trails and campsites.

Properly dispose of waste

  • It’s your responsibility to pack it in and take it with you. Check your campsite for any food or trash. All trash, food leftovers and litter must be removed.
  • Place solid human waste in catholes 6-8 inches deep, at least 200ft from water, camp, and trails. When finished, cover and conceal the cathole.
  • Make sure to bring your own toilet paper and other hygiene products.
  • You can wash your dishes and yourself by carrying water 200 feet from any streams or lakes. Discard strained dishwater.

You can leave what you find

  • Protect the past by preserving it: Examine, but not touch, cultural or historical structures and artifacts.
  • You can leave rocks, plants, and other natural objects wherever you find them.
  • Avoid transporting or introducing non-native species.
  • Do not construct structures, furniture or dig trenches.

Minimize Campfire Impacts

  • The backcountry can be impacted by campfires. A lightweight stove is best for cooking, and a candle lantern provides light.
  • Fires can be lit in areas where they are allowed.
  • Keep your fires to a minimum. Use only sticks that can be broken with a hand to break the ground.
  • All wood and coals should be burned to ash. Campfires must be completely extinguished before the ashes can be scattered.

Respect wildlife

  • Keep your distance from wildlife. Avoid approaching or following them.
  • Never feed animals. Feeding wildlife can cause damage to their health, alter their natural behavior, and expose them to predators, as well as other dangers.
  • Securely store rations, trash and other items to protect wildlife and food.
  • You can either control your pet or allow them to go home.
  • Avoid wildlife at sensitive times, such as mating, nesting and raising young or winter.

Take into consideration other visitors

  • Respect other visitors and preserve the quality of their experiences.
  • Be courteous. Respect other trail users.
  • When you encounter pack stock, move to the side that is downhill.
  • Camp away from other people and trails by taking breaks.
  • Let nature’s sounds reign. Avoid making loud noises and voices.